Tuesday, February 23, 2010


denim steampunk jacket ($195, senseoffashion.com)

[okay, the picture kind of throws me off, but I do think this could be awesome, over a cute dress or something]

black bikers bag-handmade ($120, senseoffashion.com)

[it looks like a biker jacket, I loves it!]

Nichelle Jacket in Beige ($59.95, senseofashion.com)

[This is one of those items of clothing that I damn near literally drool over, seriously, OMGWANT has rarely applied more]


  1. I was reading in cosmo today that its good to window shop online because it gives you the same sort of shoppers high you would get if you were actually in a mall or somthing. Also when your shopping is when your mood is the best but when you buy something it goes down because alot of times you feel guilt about spending money on those shoes that you love but dont really need etc. Interesting eh?

  2. Totally interesting. It explains why I online shop when I'm feeling down or stressed. :P

  3. I love all of the options here. I agree, the first photo turns a potentially chic piece into a whore-y piece of kitsch. It's a bit sad. I really love the biker jacket purse. I would, however, fear the zipper teeth catching on absolutely everything.
